


Human resources of India x Japanese companies 〜 Opportunities for Japan to work with Indian highly Skilled IT / AI professionals 〜
*Followed by English translation.



・ 日本人に限らず優秀な外国人材も視野に入れたチーム組成を考えるスタートアップの方
・ 高度な技能を有する外国人人材の採用を考える日本企業の担当者
・ インドの可能性に注目し、インド高度人材の活用を検討している方
・ インドから来日し高度な技能を有するインド国籍の方

13:30- K-NIC紹介 / 各組織のプレゼンター紹介

connectome.design株式会社 代表取締役社⻑ 佐藤聡 ⽒
connectome.design株式会社 シニアリサーチャー Anand Joshi ⽒
connectome.design株式会社 リサーチャー Mazhar Shaikh ⽒

14:00-(第2部)IoT/AIで共創する未来と実現について 〜 インド-日本に協力できること 〜
アマゾン ウェブ サービスジャパン株式会社 IoTソリューション・スペシャリスト ⾨⽥進⼀郎 ⽒

インド国家技術開発公社 代表取締役兼最⾼経営責任者 Manish Kumar ⽒
インド国家技術開発公社 アドバイザー 合同会社Project136 代表 ⼩⼭勇 ⽒

15:00- 質疑応答

15:06- 閉会の挨拶
インド国家技術開発公社 – 日本、ロシア、東南アジア統括 Ritu Agarwal氏

15:10- セミナー終了

第1部 AI系スタートアップでのインド⾼度⼈材の活⽤について

第2部 IoT/AIで共創する未来と実現について 〜 インド-日本に協力できること 〜
リアルとデジタルの融合で話題のレジなし店舗「Amazon Go」や、音声認識技術「Alexa」など、皆さんの生活空間やビジネス展開に新しい体験を与えるAmazonのイノベーション。

第3部 インドIT/AI⾼度⼈材並びに技能実習生(TITP)を⽇本への送り出すNSDCの取組について
介護や農業・建設機械など対象職種で3〜5年間インド⼈の⽇本での技能実習が進んでいます。インド技能開発・起業促進省と⺠間企業が共同出資するインド国家技術開発公社(NSDC: National Skill Development Corporation)がTITP: インド技能実習制度の実施監督機関として⼤学や経済団体や企業など送り出し機関を認定、これまでに195名の技能実習⽣が⽇本企業に貢献しています。

※National Skill Development Corporation(NSDC)について
NSDCはインド政府 技能開発・起業促進省(MSDE)から株式資本の49%並びに⺠間セクターからは株式資本の51%を共同出資し設⽴された官⺠パートナーシップ会社です。

インド国家技術開発公社 代表取締役兼最⾼経営責任者 Manish Kumar ⽒

インド⼯科⼤学ダンバード校(Indian Institute of Technology Dhanbad IndianSchool of Mines(ISM))にて鉱⼭機械の技術学⼠号を取得。⽶国ハーバード⼤学ではMPAを取得。⽶国ジョージ・ワシントン⼤学では公共政策の博⼠号(PhD)を取得。

インド国家技術開発公社 アドバイザー 合同会社Project136 代表 小山勇 氏

2014年にK136 Global Sales & Marketing Partnerを立ち上げ、日印間の海外進出プロジェクトサポート(M&A / JV / 投資戦略立案 / 政府渉外)やアドバイザリー業務に従事。2017年グローバルな人材の開発・教育・投資環境の構築を目的に合同会社Project136を設立。2018年から日本・スイス間でプラットフォーム構築の活動を始め、2019年一般社団法人ャパンイノベーションパークをスイスの国家プロジェクトを進めているSwitzerland Innovation Park Biel Bienneと共同設立、代表理事に就任。
インド国家技術開発公社(NSDC:National Skill Development Corporation)では日印間のアドバイザーを務めている。

アマゾン ウェブ サービスジャパン株式会社 IoTソリューション・スペシャリスト ⾨⽥ 進⼀郎⽒

1999年に⽇本電信電話(NTT)に⼊社。国内/海外回線やクラウド事業を展開するNTTコミュニケーションズで法⼈向けの技術分野からサービス開発、営業企画と幅広く経験。2015年に現職アマゾン ウェブ サービス ジャパンへ転職し、IoTを中⼼とするAWSのソリューションを全国中堅・中⼩/スタートアップ企業のお客さまへと推進しています。

connectome.design株式会社 代表取締役社長 佐藤聡 氏


connectome.design株式会社 シニアリサーチャー Anand Joshi 氏


connectome.design株式会社 リサーチャ Mazhar Shaikh ⽒

⾃動⾞技師兼データサイエンティスト。2018年インド⼯科⼤学マドラス校卒。チェンナイ(インド)のAIベンチャー企業勤務を経て、2019年12⽉に来⽇し、connectome.designに⼊社。社会貢献が可能な汎⽤⼈⼯知能(General AI)アプリの開発に興味を持っている。

※Kawasaki-NEDO Innovation Center(K-NIC)メンバー会員登録は無料です。



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Kawasaki-NEDO Innovation Center (K-NIC)運営事務局

English explanation follows below

【Webinar title】Human resources of India x Japanese companies
〜 Opportunities for Japan to work with highly skilled IT / AI professionals from India 〜

As the working population of Japan continues to decline, Japanese companies,including large companies, small and medium-sized businesses, and startups,are facing a shortage of skillful human resource that are indispensable to continue business activities. Japan is now working on national schemes to welcome more foreign professionals to Japan.

This time, we will hold a seminar focusing on "India", which has a strong presence in the field of IT / AI.

We are very pleased to welcome the Managing Director & Chief Executive Officer Dr. Manish Kumar from National Skill Development Corporation (NSDC), IoT solution specialist Mr. Shinichiro Kadota from Amazon Web Services Japan K.K. and Chief Executive Officer Mr. Akira Sato, AI researchers Mr. Joshi and Mr. Shaikh from connectome. design Inc. The eminent speakers will explain about opportunities in IoT / AI fields between Japan and India and advantages of hiring highly skilled professionals and youth from India. With the support from Kawasaki NEDO Innovation Center and Project136LLC, through this presentation, some actual IoT and AI use cases from Indian professionals who are already working in Japan will also be presented through this webinar.

●This webinar is recommended for:
・Japanese companies considering to recruit highly skilled foreign professionals
・Startup owners who are considering to create a team not only with Japanese professionals
but also utilizing foreign human resources.
・A person in charge of a Japanese company considering to recruit highly skilled foreign professionals
・The Japanese companies that are considering to expand its business to India or to hire highly skilled Indian professionals and youth.
・Highly skilled Indian nationals and those agencies who wish to send highly skilled professionals to Japan through NSDC.

13:30- Introduction from Kawasaki NEDO Innovation Center / Brief introduction of each organizations
and speakers

13:35- About introduction of AI in manufacturing in Japan and utilization of highly skilled Indian IT engineers
Mr. Akira Sato (connectome.design Inc: Chief Executive Officer & President)
Mr. Anand Joshi (connectome.design Inc: Senior Researcher)
Mr. Mazhar Shaikh (connectome.design Inc: Researcher)

14:00- Co-creation and realization of future with IoT/AI 〜 How we can contribute to India and Japan 〜
Mr. Shinichiro Kadota (Amazon Web Services Japan K.K. Strategic Account Management Division IoT Solution Specialist)

14:25- Opening doors for mobility of highly skilled professionals from India to Japan
Dr. Manish Kumar (National Skill Development Corporation: Managing Director & Chief Executive Officer)
Mr. Isamu Koyama (National Skill Development Corporation: Advisor / Project136LLC: Chief Executive Officer)

15:00- Question and Answer session

15:06- Concluding remarks and vote of thanks
Ms. Ritu Agarwal (National Skill Development Corporation : Country Head - Japan, Russia and SE Asia).

15:10- End of the webinar

【Opening doors for mobility of highly skilled professionals from India to Japan】
NSDC is a public private partnership company, established in 2008, with the primary mandate of catalyzing the skill landscape of India. The Government of India through Ministry of Skill Development & Entrepreneurship (MSDE) holds 49% of the share capital of NSDC, while the private sector has the balance (www.nsdncindia.org)
With an aim to strengthen strategic alliance between India and Japan in skill development, the Government of Japan and the Government of India signed a Memorandum of Cooperation (MoC) on the Technical Internship Training Program (TITP) in October 2017 for sending the candidates from India to Japan for a period of 3 to 5 years under TITP. India has sent 195 interns to Japan through the Sending Organizations of National Skill Development Corporation(NSDC), which is monitoring the program in India. In order to leverage the synergy between Japan’s advanced technology and India’s rich human resources, NSDC is in the process of creating an overall framework for enhancing employment opportunities of highly skilled Indian youth to meet the demand of Japanese organizations in IT / AI

【Co-creation and realization of future with IoT/AI 〜 How we can contribute to India and Japan 〜】
Amazon’s innovations “Alexa” and the cashierless store “Amazon Go” gives you real new experiences of the fusion of reality and digital technology in your living room and business development. Though this webinar, we will introduce our corporate culture, cloud services and a number of real business cases by utilizing IoT / AI with customer experiences. Let's think about how we can corporate each other between Japan and India together!

【About introduction of AI in manufacturing and utilization of highly skilled Indian IT engineers】
connectome.design solves social issues by utilizing the latest AI technologies.
AI-related technology is developing rapidly every day. In the seminar, we will explain some examples of how AI technologies can solve issues. In the manufacturing industry, the use of AI can be expected to achieve efficiency,advancement, labor saving, and automation in many fields from design to manufacturing and logistics. To achieve this, it needs to be implemented in a form that can be used by users, but at present there is a shortage of engineers who can implement it. In this seminar, we will first introduce examples of AI adoption in the manufacturing industry. We will also introduce our Indian AI engineers who are from IIT Madras in India and how they are contributing to the growth of our company. In addition, our Indian staff will explain the attractiveness and challenges of working for a Japanese company.

Dr. Manish Kumar
National Skill Development Corporation: MD & CEO

Dr. Manish Kumar is the Managing Director & Chief Executive Officer of
the National Skill Development Corporation (NSDC).

Prior to joining the NSDC, he worked for the World Bank as Country Coordinator
and Senior Institution Development Economist, Water and Sanitation Program,
New Delhi, India. He also worked for the World Bank in the Middle East and
North Africa covering Lebanon, Iraq, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Morocco, Egypt to name a few.

Dr. Kumar served in the Indian Administrative Service, occupying various
positions in the Government of Tripura, an Indian State, up to 2011. During his
tenure in Tripura, he conceptualized and executed economic development
programs for countering insurgency and was selected as a Mason Fellow by
Harvard University for his leadership in empowering tribal women. Dr. Kumar
holds a degree in Bachelor of Technology in Mining Machinery from the Indian
Institute of Technology (Indian School of Mines (ISM)), Dhanbad, India, a Master
in Public Administration from Harvard University, USA, and PhD in Public Policy
from The George Washington University, Washington DC, USA.

Mr. Isamu Koyama
National Skill Development Corporation: Advisor
Project136LLC: Chief Executive Officer

Mr. Koyama has founded K136 Global Sales & Marketing Partner between India and Japan and founded Project136LLC providing financial & legal advisory project management services. From 2018, Mr. Koyama starts to build a platform between Switzerland and Japan. He was appointed as a representative director of Japan Innovation Park GIA. He provides project management services to build open innovation platform in Switzerland, India, US and Israel.

Mr. Shinichiro Kadota
Amazon Web Services Japan K.K.
Strategic Account Management Division IoT Solution Specialist

Mr. Shinichiro Kadota joined NTT Communications Inc. in 1999 and has experienced a variety of positions sales planning, corporate sales and service development. In 2015, he decided to joined Amazon Web Services Japan K.K. and has been currently working as an IoT solution specialist at Strategic Account Management Division mainly focusing on medium-sized/medium-sized/startup companies nationwide.

Mr. Akira Sato
connectome.design Inc : Chief Executive Officer & President

Mr. Sato graduated from the department of mechanical engineering, Tokyo University of Science. He joined an electronic musical instrument manufacturer with the aim of realizing automatic performance using artificial intelligence. After that, he worked for a software development company and established his own firm. He was engaged in management and building various systems for over 20 years. In 2011, he joined a university-launched venture specializing in artificial intelligence technology development as a founding member. He has founded “connectome.design” in 2018 which aims to realize Well-Being for society as a whole by utilizing artificial intelligence technology such as deep learning.
Since 2017, he has promoted the use of deep learning in the Japanese industrial field as a director of the Japan Deep Learning Association.

Mr. Anand Joshi
connectome.design Inc : Senior Researcher

Mr. Anand Mr. Anand is a highly skilled professional from India, who works as a Senior Researcher at connectome.design, where he helps to build AI-based solutions. The process involves coordinating with the client at each step and working closely with colleagues at COD to arrive at a unified solution. This contributes towards the reduction of manual labour and an increase in the efficiency of small and large systems. Prior to COD, He worked as a researcher in solar astrophysics, where the focus of study was certain features on the Sun called filaments. A part of his research involved detecting and tracking these filaments on the Sun to observe and explain their dynamical properties. Being a PhD in this field, has given him a strong background in physics and mathematics, which helps him to a great extent in understanding and implementing deep learning models.

Mr. Mazhar Shaikh
connectome.design Inc : Researcher

Mr. Shaikh is an automotive engineering major turned data scientist.
He graduated from IIT Madras in 2018, and worked for a year at an AI startup in Chennai, India.
He moved to Japan in December 2019 from India, and have worked at Connectome Design since.
He is interested in exploring applications of General AI for social good.

Details about the webinar on August 6th
Free of charge

【Application to participate in the webinar】
Residence in Japan
Registration application to participate in the webinar by August 6th (Thurs) 13:00

Residence in a foreign country (India or other foreign countries)
YouTube livestreaming link will be provided from Kawasaki NEDO Innovation Center.

【How to participate in the webinar: residence in Japan】
① Please register from Kawasaki NEDO Innovation Center webpage
② YouTube livestreaming URL will be provided by email to those who registered.
It will be provided 2 hours before the webinar starts.
③ Please contact Kawasaki-NEDO Innovation Center in the case you can’t receive the participation email.

Please note
・that this webinar will be held with 『CISCO Webex (Presentation) with YouTube Livestreaming』
・that accuracy of sound and image of the webinar might differ depending on internet connection and communication environment
・that recording, videotaping the webinar are not allowed.
・that due to YouTube livestreaming, it might cause listeners more data traffic volume.
・that this webinar might take longer than expected ending-time.

【About the webinar】
・The webinar will be livestreamed by YouTube and presentations will be provide by CISCO WebEX
・You can join the webinar by clicking the YouTube livestreaming URL
Please enter “Number” on sli.do webpage. This number will be provided from
Kawasaki NEDO Innovation Center. You can also give a question to speakers from your mobile phone or PC.

【About Q&A】
・Please give questions through sli.do.

【Contact Information】
Kawasaki-NEDO Innovation Center (K-NIC)
212-8551 5th Fl. Muza Kawasaki Central Tower, 1310 Omiya-cho, Saiwai-ku, Kawasaki-shi
Open hours: 1pm to 9pm on weekdays (Last admission 8pm)
Website: https://www.k-nic.jp/wp202410/wp/
